We have some good news for you! Today we are proud to take the wraps off of Gridbox Beta 2.0. As you already know, you’re the first to find out about this update.
This is the next stage of our Visual Interface Drag and Drop Builder for Bootstrap and Foundation with integrated code editor.
We are extremely grateful to all our beta testers. Without further ado, here are a few of the features we’re most excited to launch with 2.0:
Simple and Clean User Interface.
We’ve introduced QuickStart page which is the home screen of the Gridbox using which, you can either create projects from the scratch or clone existing projects.
Clone Public Projects / your own projects
Now you can clone your own Projects or other members’ public Projects which will be handpicked by our design team. It creates a new, complete copy of the Project you’re viewing.
Bootstrap 4 Support
Now you can create projects on Bootstrap 4. Gridbox generates clean, battle-tested, modular Bootstrap 4 code — with no messy dependencies.
Auto Save Project
Every time whenever you make changes, your project will be saved automatically and updates the preview. You can also manually save your project by clicking the “Save” Icon.
Reliable and Robust Project Export
We’ve revamped our .zip file export to be more robust and reliable. Get a complete copy of your project’s state at any time for backup or sharing.
Improved Page Linking / File Uploading
Now you can create links between pages simply by pointing links to the appropriate .html file from the element properties in the sidebar
In addition, you can now upload files into your project. Add images, external CSS and JS libraries, and more to leverage Gridbox as a full-featured front-end development platform.
One more upcreated Using Images in the code editor is much easier than before. Just click on the copy icon in the gallery and paste the url in image (img src=) in the code editor that’s it.
Share Project URL:
You can quickly invite others to view the project you’ve created.
The list above covers only some of the biggest new features and there are many more yet to come.
If you haven’t tried the new version yet, we hope you’ll give it a spin and let us know what you think.
Kindly check on this link (https://www.gridbox.io) and spread the word :)