Here are the top trending Bootstrap projects in Gridbox which are frequently re-used by developers.
Note: You can always clone / download and re-use projects to get started
GB Admin
GB Admin, Bootstrap 4 based admin theme perfect for quickly creating dashboards and web applications. It's dark theme based on card-based layout.
- 100% Responsive
- Pre-built Login and Signup Page
- Chart.js interactive responsive charts
- Pre-built Forms
- Pre-built Notifications - for displaying App Notifications
Here is the Demo Link:
Simple CMS
We've built this theme for creating content management systems - backend layout.
- 100% Responsive
- Dashboard Page
- Stats page - Chart.js interactive responsive charts
- Categories - For Managing/Displaying Blog Categories
- Posts - For Managing/Displaying all Blog Posts - with integrated CKEditor for rich text editing
- Users - For Managing and Listing all users
- Account Settings - For Managing User Preferences
Here is the Demo Link:
The Pitch - Simple Landing Page for SaaS Startups
We've built this simple landing for product based SaaS startups to collect signups, display features and product testimonials
Here is the demo link:
Gumroad Demo
We've created this project for integrating Gumroad with landing page - using which you can sell your products through Landing Page and starting making revenue.
What is Gumroad? Gumroad is an online platform that enables creators to sell products directly to consumers
Note: You can deploy this Landing Page to Netlify with your custom domain - right from Gridbox.
Here is the Demo Link:
SB Admin 2, Bootstrap 4 based admin theme perfect for quickly creating dashboards and web applications. It's modern design style with subtle shadows and a card-based layout could be described as flat material, and is inspired by the principles of material design along with a simple, attractive color system.
- A modern, material design inspired layout
- Focus on utility classes to minimize CSS bloat
- Custom card and button components
- Custom utility classes for extended functionality
- Layout built using flexbox for seamless responsive behavior
- Intuitive collapsable sidebar and top bar navigation structure
- Chart.js interactive responsive charts & dataTables sortable, searchable tables
- Minimal use of jQuery and JavaScript to make it easier to rewrite using JS frameworks
- Latest Font Awesome 5 (free version)
Here is the Demo Link:
Profile Card
This Bootstrap 4 Based Profile Card lets you create your own profile page with all social media links along with contact form.
Features 1. 100% Responsive 2. Font Awesome Icons 3. Pre-built Contact Form
Note: You can deploy this Profile Card Page to Netlify with your custom domain - right from Gridbox.
Here is the demo link:
Ready to Design your next Bootstrap / HTML Project?
Kindly check on this link ( and spread the word :)